Bible Study(Sunday School) - 9:00am
Combined Worship Service - 10:15am
Dinner and Fellowship*: 5:00-6:00pm
*Dinner will resume on Wednesday, January 15!
Kid’s Choir: 5:40-6:00pm
(PreK 4s - 6th Grade)
Kid’s Bible Study: 6:00-6:45pm
Bible Drill Jr (PreK 4s - Kindergarten)
Bible Drill (1st - 6th Grade)
Kid’s Mission Groups: 6:45-7:30pm
Mission Friends (PreK 4s - Kindergarten Coed)
GA's (1st - 6th Grade Girls)
RA's (1st - 6th Grade Boys)
Nursery: 5:30-7:30pm
(Birth - 3yr olds)
Young Men’s Bible Study: 6:00-7:00pm
Led by Chad Douglass and Luke Crafton
Young Women’s Bible Study: 6:00-7:00pm
Led by Lindsay Koenig and Theresa Akins
Adult Bible Study: 6:00-7:00pm
Led by Pastor Stan Smith
Student Midweek Worship: 5:30-7:30pm
(7th - 12th Grade)
5:30pm - Dinner
6:00-7:30pm - Worship/Teaching/Small Groups