Cross Talk

july 2024

Men's Prayer Breakfast

JuLy 14 at 7:30 AM!

Pastor's Corner

July means half of the year and summer is already over, but July is still busy with Children’s Day Camp every Monday, CentriKid camp for children, Student camp for youth and Senior Adult choir singing at Joyner campground. Also we must thank God for being blessed with freedom in America this 4th of July. As we celebrate our nation’s independence may we also recognize our dependance is always and only in God.   

Children's Ministry

Abby White-Director of Preschool and children

It’s unbelievable to think we are already halfway through summer break! The past few weeks have been so wonderfully busy in Kid’s Ministry! We had an incredible week of Vacation Bible School in June, with 6 children professing their faith in Christ. To God be all the glory! I am so incredibly grateful for every single volunteer who committed their time and energy to teaching these kids and demonstrating to them the love of Jesus. We have also stayed busy with our Monday Madness Day Camp. It’s been a great time enjoying activities like inflatables and mini golf in the church gym, as well as a pool party at the home of a beloved church member. Amidst all of the activities, my favorite part of Day Camp has been our time of devotion and worship, with Elliot leading us in music. He is already forming wonderful relationships with the children, which will be so beneficial when the kids transition into the youth group. Our 2nd-6th graders will head to Shocco Springs for CentriKid Camp on July 1-5. Please be in prayer for the kids and leaders who will be going! We appreciate all the love and support the church has already provided through letters, financial assistance, and, most of all, prayer. I look forward to giving an update on our camp experience in next month’s newsletter!

Student Ministry

Elliot Garrett-Minister of Students and Recreation

FBC Somerville! I am so excited to finally become a member of this wonderful church, where I have the privilege of serving as the new Minister of Students and Recreation. I appreciate how all of you have welcomed me with so much kindness, and I look forward to serving the Lord with this body of believers for years to come. As the new Minister of Students, my desire is to boldly proclaim the gospel and faithfully teach the Bible to our students, to build relationships with students and their families, to equip and resource parents to disciple their children, and to train volunteers to aid in evangelism and in the discipleship of students at the church. As the Minister of Recreation, my desire is to use our church’s wonderful facilities to provide a safe space for ministry and fun for church members of all ages, and I also plan to use our facilities as an outlet to reach our community with the gospel. God has great plans for FBC Somerville, and I am unbelievably excited to be a part of what God is doing here. Please pray for our students, our Student Ministry Committee, and me as we anticipate what God has in store for us throughout the rest of the Summer, especially as we prepare for Beach Camp at the end of the month (July 26–31).

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Donation of $5

All proceeds will go to our Welcome Team! The mugs will be available during church service times and Office Hours Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM! For more information, call the church office at (901) 465-3528 or email us a question at!