Cross Talk

September 2024

FBCS Olympics

sponsored by Abundance Women's Ministry

This event is for all ages young and old! There will be free food, fun games, and great fellowship! Sign up today by either calling the church office or click the link below!

Register Here

Men's Prayer Breakfast

September 8 at 7:30 AM!

Pastor's Corner

Monica and I want to thank FBC family for your love, prayers and kindness during Monica’s discovery, surgery and recovery from removing her kidney with a cancerous tumor. We are thankful for God’s providence for her. We are so thankful to be a part of this wonderful church. We love you all!

New Sermon Series-Joshua: “Be Strong and Courageous” Joshua is an exciting book and it is very relevant to us today. The lessons in this book will help us as we live out our faith in a worldly, combative culture with confidence and victory.  

Please volunteer to help in our booth at the Cotton Festival on Saturday, September 14.

Children's Ministry

Abby White-Director of Preschool and children

It was an incredible summer break, and now that school is back in session, it is a time of reflection of what the Lord has done and preparation of what’s to come. This Summer, we saw six children profess their faith in Christ, and so many more seeds planted. I believe God is working and I trust that this school year, God will do something big in the lives of our kids and in the life of our Children’s Ministry. As we look ahead to the Fall, we are excited to be revamping our usual Trunk or Treat event into a Fall Festival. While we will continue to have some cars for Trunk or Treat, we simply won’t make that the main focus. Our priority for Fall Festival will be to continue building relationships with the people in our community and demonstrating the love of Christ to them. More details will be made available soon, but in the meantime, I encourage you to pray about how you will be involved in this event on October 27.

Student Ministry

Elliot Garrett-Minister of Students and Recreation

Hello, church family! August has been a busy month for our student ministry at FBC Somerville, especially for our students as they have begun classes for the Fall semester. My time has been filled building relationships with administration and teachers in order to have an impact in our local public and private schools, and the Lord has certainly blessed those efforts. Please pray that we will continue to make our way in the local schools in order to be a light for Christ, and especially pray that our students will be bold to stand for the truth of God’s Word amongst their classmates, teachers, and coaches. The highlight of this past month was being able to serve with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at an event at Fayette Ware where 6 young men turned from their sins and trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Please pray for those young men and the work we are doing to reach lost people in our community. As I am writing this, we are preparing for FBC’s first 5th Quarter in a few years, which will be Friday night, August 30. This is a great event to bring students from all schools together to relax and have a fun time after a

long week of school. On Wednesday nights, we have begun following the narrative of the Bible from start to finish in order to show students how the Bible is one story and how the Bible is all about Jesus. We are looking forward to many fun things this Fall, but most importantly, we are praying and working to see that teenagers would place their faith in Christ and that they would be discipled biblically. Thank you for all of your continued prayers, love, and support.

Get yours Today!

Donation of $5

All proceeds will go to our Welcome Team! The mugs will be available during church service times and Office Hours Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM! For more information, call the church office at (901) 465-3528 or email us a question at!